Tips to Stay Cool During the Height of Summer | Climate Experts Air and Heat
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Tips to Stay Cool During the Height of Summer

Published by Derek Cormier


We’ve reached the end of the summer months where heat waves are on the rise pretty much everywhere. We’re definitely not the exception here in Florida.

The first few weeks of summer are always great. It’s nice to return to the warm temperatures and clear skies that we’re known for here in Florida. By the end of the summer, though, you might be a little worn. If the high temperatures are finally starting to get to you, you might want a few tips to beat the heat. We’ve got them for you. We’re known as “Your Indoor Weathermen” for a reason, it’s because we’re experts in air conditioning in Melbourne, FL.


Try This to Beat the Heat

Here are a few tips that you can try out in the upcoming weeks to cool yourself off:

  1. Strip Down

The first thing we want you to do is get comfortable. If you’re at home in heavy fabrics, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Make sure that you’re in short sleeves and shorts. If this isn’t what you’re comfortable in, then make sure that you’re in light fabrics at the very least. Cotton, linen, and other fabrics of this nature are the best for the summer months. Taking this necessary first step is the best way to help yourself get cool and stay cool.

  1. Get Acquainted with Breathable Fabrics

Are your sheets made of breathable fabrics? What about your clothes? Sleeping on breathable sheets is a cheat code to staying cool. We suggest switching over to fabrics like cotton, linen, bamboo, or eucalyptus blends. Integrate these fabrics into your clothing too. You’ll stay cooler with less effort.

  1. Be Mindful of the Heat You Generate

It’s important to be mindful of the heat that you’re generating throughout the day. When you’re turning on your oven or stovetop, you’re generating a considerable amount of heat in your home. You shouldn’t generate heat during the height of the day. If you’re looking to keep your home cool in the midst of the summer heat, then you should wait until the evening to begin doing these things.

  1. Make Necessary Upgrades

Sometimes, the problems you’re facing are a little outside of your control. It’s okay to admit this. If you’ve realized that no amount of tips and tricks are going to help you, then it’s time to get in touch with a professional. We’re the ones who can help you figure out what you need to do to improve your air conditioning system.

  1. Know When You Need More

There’s going to come a day where you just need a new air conditioning system. This time typically comes after about 10-15 years. If your air conditioner is within this age range, then we recommend that you upgrade your air conditioning system. We’re prepared to help you when you need more for your space. We’re a helpful team that can make your transition from one system to another as easy as possible.

Contact Climate Experts Air, Plumbing & Electric today for your air conditioning services. We’re “Your Indoor Weathermen.”