The Major Difference a Thermostat Upgrade Makes | Climate Experts Air and Heat
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The Major Difference a Thermostat Upgrade Makes

Published by Derek Cormier

In the past, people had to physically be in their homes in order to change the temperature on their air conditioners. With advances in technology, that is no longer the case.

Now, there are two types of thermostats that allow homeowners to adjust their air conditioning from anywhere, Wi-Fi thermostats and smart thermostats. So, what’s the difference between these two types of thermostats? And, more importantly, why should you upgrade to a smart thermostat?

With the hot summer months approaching Melbourne, now is the perfect time to consider upgrading your thermostat. This article will answer all questions regarding thermostat upgrades and more about air conditioning in Melbourne, FL.

The Difference Between Wi-Fi and Smart Thermostats

Let’s start by discussing the distinction between Wi-Fi and smart thermostats. Essentially, Wi-Fi thermostats are digital thermostats that may be programmed from any location with an Internet connection. Smart thermostats, on the other hand, have all of the convenience of Wi-Fi thermostats plus pattern recognition and preferred temperature detection features that allow the thermostat to save you money and conserve energy.

In addition, many smart thermostats have companion apps that provide even more features and flexibility for the user. This means that not only can you change the temperature of your home from anywhere in the world, but you can also set up schedules, receive alerts for high or low temperatures, and monitor your energy usage. While WiFi-thermostats are a great convenience, they lack the features that make a smart thermostat so much more valuable.

The Benefits of Upgrading to a Smart Thermostat

Here are some of the best benefits of upgrading.

Cost Savings

Firstly, you’ll be able to save money on your energy bill. Smart thermostats can detect when you’re away from home and make adjustments accordingly. They also know when you’re asleep or when you generally like your home to be at a certain temperature.

Eco-friendly Nature

In addition, smart thermostats are more eco-friendly than traditional thermostats. By conserving energy, you’ll be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint. This helps to protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Convenient Scheduling

Another benefit of owning a smart thermostat is the ability to create schedules for your air conditioner. This means that you can program your air conditioner to turn on before you get home so that your home is cool and comfortable when you arrive.

Additional Features

Many smart thermostats come with additional features that may be useful, such as the ability to control your home’s humidity or the ability to monitor indoor air quality.


Finally, thermostat upgrades often come with warranties and/or rebates from your energy company. And if you’re ever unhappy with your smart thermostat, most companies offer a 30-day return policy.

Who To Call?

Thermostats are an important part of any home, and with the hot summer months quickly approaching, it’s important to have a plan in place to keep your cool. Many people don’t realize the major difference that a thermostat upgrade can make in their home, and that’s why we’re here to help.

If you’re considering making the switch to a smart thermostat, Contact Climate Experts Air, Plumbing & Electric today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We’re “Your Indoor Weathermen.”